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I have no idea what this is
knights templar candle lantern?
What is this?
Cast iron mold

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Please identify this item
Posted By Views Date Posted
Unregistered 14528 December 13, 1901
Price Paid Condition
Free/Undisclosed/Unknown Good

Description: I hope some on can identify this thing it was given to me by a gentlemans wife after he passed away she has no idea what it is and neither do I. It has a very large crank which turns a flywheel that's geared down to another flywheel which turns a cylinder that contains what I would call some sort of stainless steel strainers. The tub that sits on top is angled down with a drain seems as if it would drain into the "cone strainer" it is extremely heavy and has places to bolt it down it looks as if there are some pieces missing. We have a lot of farm antiques and have never seen anything like this so if you can shed some light on what this is I would appreciate it.
Keywords: Please identify this item

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