Identify signed porcelain chalice Unregistered
Small Brass Box Unregistered
Small Bronze Trinkets/Reservoir/Picture Frames? VonMan
Soapstone Crab with Handle on Back Unregistered
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Date Posted
December 13, 1901
Price Paid
Recently while helping a family friend clean out an old barn after a death in the family we stumbled upon this statue at the bottom of a haystack this barn hasn't seen a living being in 40 yrs I ha e looked and searched high and low as I know I have seen this face somewhere any info as to its origin or anything else would be greatly appreciated it is approx 1' tall and 10" wide. And has to weigh close to 30 or 40 lbs also the two white pieces that go up the back have a crude hole drilled in-between them and the black stone that goes all the way through thanks and have a blessed day
Unidentified asian statue