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H.Wood Landscape Painting Unregistered
Porcelain Figure of 18th Century Man on ice skates melissh2012
Copper Benedict "box" Unregistered
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Date Posted
December 13, 1901
Price Paid
I can't seem to get photos to upload... unsure why. They're only 200 kb, I'll try again tomorrow.
A glass (I think) candelabra thats been in the family for 120 years probably more. No makers mark I can find anywhere. I'm wondering if the part that's missing had it.
I'm missing a part in the center thats probably irreplaceable. I have no idea how I could find or make a replacement. Any information would be really great. I'm told by my grandmother that it was all rusted last she saw it. I think it got thrown out by accident in a move.
The metal caps on the arms are detachable and somewhat heavy.
The base is about 14 inches tall, the curvy bits are about 7 inches long. The bits that hold the candles are about 3 inches tall. The two hemispheres are 4 inches across.
Glass Candelabra 120 years old